N头条>英语词典>do work翻译和用法

do work

英 [duː wɜːk]

美 [duː wɜːrk]

网络  工作; 做功; 作功; 做工作



  • be employed
    1. Is your husband working again?
    2. My wife never worked
    3. Do you want to work after the age of 60?
    4. She never did any work because she inherited a lot of money
    5. She works as a waitress to put herself through college


  • These pauses can cause a momentary lack of application responsiveness and reduce the time available to the application to do work.
  • But, some people have trouble letting others do work because they feel that no one can do it as well as they can.
  • While Web service specifications sometimes do work as expected, if you use them on a regular basis, you have probably experienced far too many times when they don 't.
  • Hotel Rooms Also connected to travel, I find hotel rooms to be a great place to do work as well.
  • A dependency capability defines the ability for a unit ( for example, datasource) to do work for its peer units, which may be co-hosted or hosted on different units.
  • When the load on your environment suddenly increases, you can boot your EC2 instances, run the worker script to register their availability to do work, and pick up and process the information.
  • Similarly, when our company reduces its workforce, we slow our organizational metabolic rate ( i.e., our capacity to do work).
  • If you follow the principles in the way you do work, you are exhibiting Agile behavior.
  • Furthermore, he notes, when big-tech turnarounds do work, they are slow and painful.
  • Three others based in China and India also do work for her, but report to managers in those countries.